Piezoelectric Vicus sensorem

  • Piezoelectric Vicus Dynamic appendens sensorem Cet8312

    Piezoelectric Vicus Dynamic appendens sensorem Cet8312

    Cet8312 Piezoelectric Vicus Dynamic appendens sensorem habet characteres wide mensurae range, bonum diu terminus stabilitatem, bonum repeatability, excelsum mensuram praecisionem et altum responsum frequency, ita maxime idoneam dynamicam appendens deprehendatur. Est rigidum, habena dynamic appendens sensorem fundatur Piezoelectric principle et patented structuram. Est composito ex Piezoelectric Vicus cristallum sheet, electrode laminam et speciale trabem afferentem fabrica. Divided into 1-meter, 1.5-meter, 1.75-meter, 2-meter size specifications, can be combined into a variety of dimensions of road traffic sensors, can adapt to the dynamic weighing needs of the road surface.